5 min readMar 27, 2020


It feels as though we’ve all experienced a whole year in a couple of weeks.

We haven’t even reached half way of the year, yet 2020 has really shown us that life can literally go from 0 –100 in a couple of weeks.

If you’ve read my previous posts, you will be very much aware of the extremely difficult time I had during 2019 and I know I was not the only one who experienced numerous hardship.

Although the beginning of 2020 was still uncertain, I had changed my whole mind-set and energy. I refused to allow anxiety and depression to rule me and I decided to get back on course with my faith, optimism and belief.

Thankfully, at the beginning of March I managed to secure an amazing job. I was so excited for this opportunity and my future and then suddenly… it all just came to a sudden stop and everything was out of my control.

Wherever you are in the world, whether you’re a child, teenager, adult or elderly person, you are currently living through a pandemic known as the Coronavirus, also known as (COVID -19)

Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. Unfortunately, they can also affect humans and tend to cause respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia which kills people.

The virus was first identified in 2019, however it was uncertain about how fast it would spread and what exactly was happening. Starting in China, Corona started to make its way in to other countries and before we knew it by early March, countries such as the U.K, USA, Italy, Spain, Iran and so many more started to report that they had high cases of the virus.

Although it is possible to recover from this virus, a high percentage of people have lost their lives all over the world and it has made so many of us extremely fearful for our health and lives.

As the virus is now so difficult to maintain, many countries have been put in to lock-down and we are now all stuck and confined to our homes.

Having no work, schools, high street stores or social spaces open, this is honestly one of the most difficult challenges we have faced worldwide in modern times.

Social distancing, self-isolation and quarantine is something we all practising due to new government implementation and it can honestly feel as though you are losing your mind.

There have been very mixed responses to staying at home. Whilst some are happy and making use of the excessive free time, others are really struggling to get through day by day.

Below, I would like to give you a few tips on how to keep yourself going and areas of your life I feel are necessary to focus on. I hope I can encourage you all to still make the most out of your 2020. The fact that we are alive and well means that we can’t give up.


I know it’s a difficult time for many as we’ve been asked to stay in our houses and only go out with people we live with if necessary. Many of us have siblings, cousins, friends and partners we want to see and spend time with, especially now the sun is coming out and we can’t. Although we can’t physically see those we love, lets use this time to really check in on our loved ones and keep up regular communication. I’m certain many relationships will be strengthened during this time.

Mental Health

Mental health is something I dealt with very severely in 2019 and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It is very easy for people to slip in to a dark place during dark times, especially those who live alone. Although you can only be at home, use this time to do things you didn’t used to have time for before.

Read a few books, learn a new skill on YouTube, go for regular walks/cycles/jogs, discover some new music, watch movies or TV shows or simply try new food dishes at home. The food we intake in our bodies has a huge affect on our mental health and keeping a healthy diet during this time is important.

Physical Health

Physical health is very important and is something which should always be a part of your life routine. Not everyone has the best home environment and this can be particularly difficult if you are used to working out in the gym. Give yourself different physical exercises to do around the house each day and use what you have around you as equipment. The stairs and chairs in your household can be great apparatus for working out and you can still see great results. Don’t be discouraged there’s lots of help out there on social media.


Due to COVID-19 many people have lost their jobs and overall it has had a huge effect on the economy worldwide. We all need money to survive and it doesn’t grow on trees. If you have recently been put out of work or are on a salary which isn’t the best then here is what you can do to support yourself.

If you have an online skill such as marketing, social media, editing, designing or anything else, then this is a great time to put that to use and earn some cash. Advertise yourself on social media or to your friends and family, you would be surprised at what opportunities could arise. If you’re not that sort of person and prefer more manual jobs then many supermarkets and delivery services are hiring right now.

Check out Morrisons: https://morrisons.jobs/

Fighting Boredom

If you really can’t find much to do during this time then how about putting yourself to use?

Check out The Open University. They offer free online courses where you can learn anything you want and build your skills right from the comfort of your own home. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue

Alternatively, if you would like to feel more useful during this pandemic and want to help but don’t know how to, you can register and join GoodSAM and become a NHS volunteer responder. https://www.goodsamapp.org/NHS

I hope some of the suggestions have helped and have motivated you on how to use your time wisely. You are not alone, and we will all get through this together.

2020 has really been one to remember already, but mark my words it will still be a fantastic year for us all.

Peace and love






I write from time to time and I always share some real stuff 😁

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